Best spaniel breed

As a gundog writer, David Tomlinson knows more about our six spaniel breeds than most. So he is faced with a tricky decision in his search for a new puppy.…

The Game Fair celebrates 60 years at Ragley this July. And in The Field Kitchen Theatre, José Souto will be cooking with wild Alaska salmon. But why? JOSE SOUTO, GAME…

Pair of 1930s Purdey side by sides

There are many pitfalls to avoid when looking to buy vintage shotguns, but Michael Yardley is impressed by this pair of 1930s Purdey side by sides. Fantastic, classic guns can…

The Field

The art of gunmaking – Birmingham’s glorious best; Mastering the gun mount – why it’s vital to success; Sea trouts’ steady rise – time to switch from salmon?; Top shots…

Annie Oakley

Annie Oakley was a woman ahead of her time. An international superstar and remarkable athlete, Little Miss Sure Shot paved the way for lady guns and still inspires today. BASC’s…