Basque cake with Easter spices

The classic Basque cake recipe updated with an Easter twist. Move over hot cross buns and try a new Easter recipe.

albanian trout

One of the most treasured aspects of fly-fishing is the excuse it provides to travel to those lesser-fished rivers that run through far-flung valleys in exotic corners of the world.…

store salami

Q: It’s a real joy to be able to buy a large selection of salami on the market, but I find I am given different advice on the best way…

Country accessories hanging on a peg

Country style has never been more ‘now’ with heritage-style boots, accessories, fabrics and trims – be they leather or feather – very much on trend. The Field has compiled a…

Why We Garden by Claire Masset My immediate reaction to the title was to respond “but I don’t”. However, this is true only insofar as I outsource it because others…

The Field’s April issue is packed with exceptional gundog content. Alec Marsh asks the age-old question: how many dogs does a committed countryman really need? We look at the history…

Clark Gable in a safari jacket

There are wardrobe staples and sartorial icons. The safari jacket sits above all: a garment colossus that is hugely evocative, ultimately practical and still the stuff of high fashion. In…

While we will never tire of championing all things British in fieldsports, there is a wealth of gundog breeds around the world that give our home-bred stock a run for…