Repair a wax jacket

A favourite wax jacket will inevitably sustain some wear and tear from a busy season.

Tips and the best advice from Field experts on country queries, matters of the countryside and country and field sports: gun dogs, game recipes, etiquette, shooting, hunting, fishing, food and legal and more.

We’ve answers on a broad range of subjects, from how to clean a hip flask to how to store salami.

Wondering how to remove the smell of mothballs or how to mend your waxed jacket? We’ve got the answers to that too.

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deer in field

My house sits in the middle of a farm surrounded by forestry. We love to see the wildlife in our garden but are unable to have flower beds as the…


I live in a remote spot and my only neighbours are a charming but feisty family who have taken to celebrating everything with fireworks: New Year, their birthdays or just…

shooting stance

A good shooting stance is, quite literally, the foundation of sound technique. When you watch a line shooting, it is usually immediately apparent that some are standing well: in balance,…

Best hip flasks

The season is upon us and as the temperature drops, there’s nothing like a tot of something warming. But have you ever had a sip of your best brewed sloe…