My house sits in the middle of a farm surrounded by forestry. We love to see the wildlife in our garden but are unable to have flower beds as the…
Country Queries
What can I do about marauding pheasants in my garden?
Q: I live near a shoot, and my garden is inundated with pheasants celebrating the end of the shooting season and enjoying the calm. Every year they arrive and wreak…
How to make smoked bacon bourbon
Q: I recently read an article about the joys of smoked bacon bourbon and apparently it is something one can make. I have tried to find a recipe for smoked…
Shooting law: ownership of fallen game
Who does fallen game belong to if it lands on a public right of way?
Fireworks – what does the law say?
I live in a remote spot and my only neighbours are a charming but feisty family who have taken to celebrating everything with fireworks: New Year, their birthdays or just…
How to get your shooting stance right
A good shooting stance is, quite literally, the foundation of sound technique. When you watch a line shooting, it is usually immediately apparent that some are standing well: in balance,…
How to remove the smell of dog from your car
For a dog, the finest perfume is eau de fox, essence of dung … anything is better than smelling clean. But having a dog smell lingering in your car isn’t…
Five classic children’s wool tank tops
A children’s wool tank top is a classic. Slip it on over a shirt, a blouse or even a dress. Tank tops are a great way to combat the beginnings…
How to clean your hip flask
The season is upon us and as the temperature drops, there’s nothing like a tot of something warming. But have you ever had a sip of your best brewed sloe…
How to make a bird feeder crow-proof
Query There seems to be an abundance of crows eating from our bird feeder. Is there any way to stop this? I had been concerned about squirrels feasting but had…