Keep rabbits out of your garden

Long summer evenings are best spent bagging bunnies, but you cannot patrol all day and night. If evenings with the airgun are proving insufficient, rid your lawn of the bunny…

Pheasant burgers

Don’t leave your game festering in the freezer over the summer. It should not be the reserve for winter suppers, as game makes excellent BBQ fare, too. This recipe for…

Strengthen your shooting arm

Having your kit and gun ready is not all it takes to prepare properly. Follow these simple exercises and learn how to strengthen your shooting arm ahead of the season.…

How to prune wisteria.

Follow The Field’s guide on how to prune wisteria wisely to keep the walls of your house attractively covered. Wisteria is best pruned twice a year and now is the…

Best wine decanter

Don’t let the decanter gather dust. But coming in so many shapes and sizes, knowing which to use can be a tricky business. And there is much to consider besides…

How to find pignuts

Follow our guide on how to find pignuts – a hidden treasure for wild foragers. In May and June, pignuts can be found growing in woods, meadows and on verges…

Make homemade Pimm's

Learn how to make homemade Pimm’s to enjoy this summer essential without sharpening your elbows at the supermarket. A word of warning though – it’s a touch stronger than the…

Remove jam jar labels

Whether you make homemade drinks and preserves or simply want an attractive and cost-saving vase for blooms from the garden, learn how to remove jam jar labels. Save jars from…