I recently bought some gilt frames from an auction house. The gilding on the frames needs repairing and I wondered if you knew of anyone who could restore the gilding…

I have acquired a book with a foolscap-size bookplate pasted on the inside of the cover saying "From the library of..." How can I remove the bookplate safely? JB Morvern,…

This year we have been plagued by ants, in particular flying ants. At one stage we had three flying ants' nests in the house. How can I prevent a repeat…

I would like to have a decent vintage watch serviced and repaired so I can give it to my grandson. Do you know a vintage watch repair specialist? WH, London

I would be most grateful for some help. My second skin for the winter is a Musto Highland shooting coat, which I have had for many years. Over the summer…

Have safety practices with shotguns changed over the years? I refer to the cover of the June issue of The Field. Her Majesty has a gentleman with a closed shotgun…