Remove stains on an Aga

Is a stain proving a pain? As the staple in a country home, it’s likely that the beloved Aga will suffer a few stubborn stains, seemingly impossible to move on.…

How to create a garden for insects

If you have a large space to fill, consider a wild meadow to encourage flora and fauna into your garden. Follow The Field’s advice on how to create a garden…

How to clean a bowler hat

If you have inherited an old bowler hat, don’t leave it to collect dust in the attic. Even if it is looking a little worse for wear, it is possible…

Best gravy for pheasant

A roast pheasant supper needs gravy. And fortunately, the best gravy for pheasant is simple and speedy to make. Follow our recipe and adjust the measurements until you find your…

Clean silver well

It may be one of those Christmas tasks you are keen to delay, but learning how to clean silver well is essential ahead of the festive lunch. There is much…

Cook a three-bird roast

Skip the standard turkey and dreaded dryness with an impressive roast fit for royalty this Christmas. The same turkey can get repetitive, so learn how to cook a three-bird roast…

Restore a garden urn

If your garden urn has suffered one too many storms and is looking a little worse for wear, find out how to restore a garden urn. Urns have been used…

Raspberry vinegar

Learn how to make raspberry vinegar to soothe sore throats, enjoy with pancakes or simply make water a little more interesting. The hedgerow is practically groaning with goodies at the…

Control horseradish

Horseradish can easily become a pest when left to its own devices. Learn how to control horseradish to prevent your garden from becoming overrun. But there’s no need to get…

Tea smoke game

If you are trying to use up the contents of your freezer before the new season gets fully underway, learn how to tea smoke game. Try our simple method for…