Pheasant scotch quails eggs

For a fail-safe crowd pleaser, you can’t go far wrong with scotch eggs. Tom Godber-Ford Moore’s pheasant scotch quails eggs are as delicious as the classics, just with an added…

Hare, rabbit and cognac rillettes

Slowing cooking wild, lean meat such as hare and rabbit will get the best, tender results. Philippa Davis’ hare, rabbit and cognac rillettes make the ideal supper party starter, best…

Venison bourguignon pie

January is the time for slow cooking. Ideal for warming the house on chilly evenings and reviving tough meat that has lasted this far into the season. Philippa Davis’ venison…

7 best game recipes

Game works marvellously with Mediterranean influences, as Tom Godber-Ford Moore proves with his pheasant polpette in an agrodolce sauce. Essentially a posh word for meatballs, this polpette will be a…