Put an Indian spin on classic partridge. Try stuffing it with ginger, fennel and coriander and serve with hot saffron rice.

Partridge stuffed with ginger, fennel and coriander is a winning combination. A deboned, stuffed and rolled bird is a brilliant way to serve game birds. For more inspiration on what to cook, take a look at our other 10 best partridge recipes.

Try Italian stuffed partridge or Greek stuffed partridge too. The meat stays succulent, it looks spectacular and the fiddly bits can be prepared in advance, leaving you more time to enjoy your party. To add some Indian flair to your partridge stuffed with ginger, fennel and coriander, serve it with some hot saffron rice.


Serves 4
■ 1 dsp mustard seeds
■ 2 tbsp olive oil
■ 1 tbsp butter
■ 1 dsp turmeric (level)
■ 1 dsp chopped fresh ginger
■ 1 dsp chopped coriander
■ 1 fennel bulb, finely chopped
■ 1-2 dsp green chilli, finely chopped (to taste)
■ 2 garlic cloves, peeled and finely chopped
■ 2 shallots, peeled and finely chopped
■ 16 green grapes, peeled and chopped in half
■ 4 partridges, ready for stuffing and rolling

Serve with saffron rice, a sprinkle of extra fried shallots and fried ginger and some fresh coriander

Saffron rice
■ 30ml (1fl oz) just-boiled water
■ 1⁄2 tsp saffron
■ 240g (81⁄2oz) basmati rice

Fry the mustard seeds in the olive oil and butter until they start to pop, then add the turmeric, ginger, coriander, fennel, chilli, garlic and shallots. Season with salt and pepper and cook until the shallots are soft (about 10-15 minutes) then add the grapes. Leave to cool then stuff and cook the birds as described on the previous page.
To make the saffron rice, pour the water on to the saffron in a small bowl and leave to infuse. Cook the rice as instructed and when ready pour over the saffron but don’t stir it in (you get flecks of bright red among the grains of rice). Decorate with fried ginger strips and fried shredded shallots plus some fresh coriander.