The Field

FOOTWEAR FOR THE FIELD – BOOTS TO LAST A LIFETIME Complete redesign. European production. Clinical testing. These are just some of the measures we have taken to upgrade the quality…

The Field

High birds on Exmoor – soaring partridges in Lorna Doone country; Big guns boom on the marsh – flighting geese with vintage eight-bores; Classic kit for the shooting season –…

Game Week

Whether you are new to cooking or eating game, partridge is an excellent place to start. Philippa Davis’ partridge spring rolls with plum sauce show how versatile this super little…

What to wear for shooting

Should one follow trend or tradition when dressing properly for a day in the field? Robert Gibbons offers his advice on what to wear for shooting. Looking to add to…

Best beating dog

From rottweillers to poodles, David Tomlinson has encountered just about every breed of dog in the beating line. So which makes the best beating dog? He weighs up some of…

Apple, honey and carrot cake

For something satisfyingly rich yet perfectly sweet, Philippa Davis’ apple, honey and carrot cake is the ideal offering for shoot tea. For inspiration on what to do with the windfalls,…

The Field Gundog Awards 2020

Every type of gundog entered The Field Gundog Awards 2020, in association with Chudleys. Our two new categories celebrated both the invaluable old hands and the promising next generation. We…

Partridge, black pudding and sloe gin terrine

Partridge is small, forgiving and the easiest game to cook of them all. So it is excellent for a little experimentation. We recommend Philippa Davis’ partridge, black pudding and sloe…