The Field

My house sits in the middle of a farm surrounded by forestry. We love to see the wildlife in our garden but are unable to have flower beds as the…

The Claire Lomas Walk Campaign and Saddle Up for Spinal Research have teamed up to produce an A5 week-to-view equestrian diary to raise funds.

Charles Rangeley-Wilson's passion for poisson is tested by the "impossible" grayling, the only fish in abundance in French rivers – with good reason.

As highlighted in The Field's Comment (November issue), risk assessments are now a vital part of any shoot, and it is incumbent upon us all to make what we do…

When Charles Rangeley-Wilson was a boy, he spent his summers fishing the far-flung loughs of Co Kerry for trout. Sneakily, via their stomachs, he’s passed his love of lake-angling to…

Deadly, alien crayfish are killing our endangered native species. We must act now to nip the problem in the bud, says Mike Daunt.

The honeybee population has experienced a sharp decline this year. This is due, in a large part, to the wet summer of 2007 and spring of 2008 and will not…