La Cuesta

Want to extend your opportunities for shooting? Game shooting abroad can offer exciting options. Read on to create a personal bucket list, with Ewan Davy’s guide to the very best game shooting abroad, recommended by those in the know. (You might also like to read “Six of the best places…

Scottish Land Reform.

We all aspire to having an iconic sporting moment. However sadly we rarely achieve them. It might be the red-letter day when you catch a trout on the mayfly, or jump that hedge, or shoot a serious January high pheasant. These are the moments that stay with you. And they…

Pot roast partridge recipe

Pot-roast partridge with apples, crème fraîche, lardons and tarragon This pot-roast partridge recipe is good natured and leaves you time to get on with other things whilst it is cooking. Pot-roasting a whole partridge gives you a little more flexibility with timings as, on the bone, the meat doesn’t dry…

partridge recipe

It’s that time of the year again. So we bring you our 10 best partridge recipes, which will see you through the upcoming season and beyond. There’s a recipe for partridge goujons, guaranteed to be popular with the smalls. Looking for an excellent supper party starter? Investigate our warming salads.…

My father remembers wild grey partridges regularly bursting from cover and spooking his horse as he hacked home from days with the Hampshire hunt in the early 1960s. I’m sure many Field readers will, like him, recall the thrill of disturbing this beautiful native gamebird while out riding or walking-…

The Welsh countryside has been shaped over the centuries by its rural community, a sense of common culture and a passion for sport. Shooting is fundamentally tied to this landscape. In his foreword to the Countryside Alliance’s Shooting in Wales – For Countryside & Community, rugby legend Sir Gareth Edwards…

British Game Week kicks off on 7 November but there is an increasing band of chefs that needs no convincing about the merits of game. From Skye to Soho, it is being hailed by a new generation of foodies and restauranteurs, while game’s established champions now have even more reason…

partridge shooting

From the edge of Borrowby Moor the views over the North Yorkshire countryside, across wooded ghylls to the North Sea beyond, are spectacular. And on a crisp December morning, with pheasants curling high off the moorland edge in a south-westerly breeze, there must be few more uplifting places to be…