The Field

How to buy a gundog

Whether you want a pup or a fully trained dog, knowing how to buy a gundog is getting trickier with the demise of classified advertising. So what are your best…

November 2016 cover

THE BIBLE OF FIELDSPORTS FOR 163 YEARS Shooting high pheasants – George Digweed’s top tips; hunting with a crack pack – the Belvoir cut the mustard; driven boar – all…

Gundog training tips

Turning a dog from an unruly pup to the perfect peg dog requires much time and patience. There may be tears, strops and tantrums (both human and canine). But there…

How to shoot pheasants

Knowing how to shoot pheasants properly is a lesson every sportsman must learn. 26-time world champion George Digweed offers his words of wisdom. For more of George Digweed’s shooting top…

Pheasant, cabbage and cheese pierogi

These pheasant, cabbage and cheese pierogi are the perfect moreish morsels to pop in a pocket for the shoot elevenses. Make a big batch and enjoy a generous helping warm…


Cowpats offer comedy gold with a misplaced footstep and a valuable cost saving on artificial fertiliser. But they can also tell us about the land beneath, as Tim Field explains.…

Sarah Raven's raised game pie

A raised game pie is hard to beat as an autumnal supper centrepiece. And it works well cold for a serve yourself buffet or a picnic. We recommend making two…

Restore a garden urn

If your garden urn has suffered one too many storms and is looking a little worse for wear, find out how to restore a garden urn. Urns have been used…

Riding caps

Nowhere is tradition more important than in the hunting field. But how does this change when safety is at stake? Michael Clayton tells of the Quorn Hunt’s new initiative to…