The hounds had been speaking to the line for at least two minutes, and every second their baying became louder and more excited: there was no doubt about it, they…
Tackling The Mont Blanc Massif
The Midi téléphérique lifts you from ‘chic’ Chamonix into one of the most savage but beautiful mountain wildernesses on the planet: the Mont Blanc massif. I once overheard a member…
Basque cake with Easter spices
The classic Basque cake recipe updated with an Easter twist. Move over hot cross buns and try a new Easter recipe.
Albanian trout fishing adventure
One of the most treasured aspects of fly-fishing is the excuse it provides to travel to those lesser-fished rivers that run through far-flung valleys in exotic corners of the world.…
Saving the eiderdown: how to give an old eiderdown a new lease of life
The finishing touch to a well-made bed (along with hospital corners) used to be an eiderdown, which would lie on top to perform both a decorative, and warming function. Then…
How to store salami
Q: It’s a real joy to be able to buy a large selection of salami on the market, but I find I am given different advice on the best way…
Country style for ladies in the city
Country style has never been more ‘now’ with heritage-style boots, accessories, fabrics and trims – be they leather or feather – very much on trend. The Field has compiled a…
Lives well lived
Why We Garden by Claire Masset My immediate reaction to the title was to respond “but I don’t”. However, this is true only insofar as I outsource it because others…
How to plan an Easter egg hunt that is family friendly (and labrador-proof)
The origins of the Easter egg hunt What we think of as the Easter ‘bunny’ is thought to have its roots in 17th-century German folklore: children would leave nests in…
April 2023
The Field’s April issue is packed with exceptional gundog content. Alec Marsh asks the age-old question: how many dogs does a committed countryman really need? We look at the history…