Early Morning Light in the Cotswolds by sporting artist Jeremy Houghton

Jeremy Houghton’s work is all about the spaces in between, which somehow convey the realities of the sports he depicts more convincingly than any amount of photographic detail. The forbidding…

The oldest fishing book. A Benedictine monk whiled away his hours writing about fishing in the back of his Latin breviary.

The oldest fishing book in the world may have been discovered. Nestling in the back of an ancient mid-fifteenth century prayer book, hand written in obscure dialect, were notes relating…

A snarling man-eater is not the best thing to encounter on the way to the shower block.

Man-eaters are not just a category of monsters consigned to schlock horror films. They are a very real danger, particularly if one finds oneself on safari (for expert advice see…

For the best of fieldsports and country life read The Field.

For the best of fieldsports and country life read The Field.

Readyfield Ladies Naked charity calendar 2015

The Readyfield Ladies naked charity calendar 2015 was put together in memory of equestrian Caroline Harvey. Caroline died after a hunting accident in March 2014, and her fellow Dianas decided…