Luggage is a necessity, but the right luggage can be a real luxury. The Field's luxury column picks the best.

Last summer a colony of bees took up residence in my attic. I have no wish to harm the squatters, but would like them to change address. They are dormant…

Christmas is a realistic time to think about roses. The days are short, frost hard, wind bitter and this is the time when things that are thinking of dying will…

Luxury bags for men: The Merchant Fox Dart oak-bark tanned leather bag

Start 2014 with style. There are some excellent choices from exceptional companies when it comes to shifting your stuff around town. The Field reveals the best luxury bags for men.

Country house library. The best room in the house

The Country House library, I am surprised to report, is a room with a future. For the surprise is this: among rich owners in the countryside, the country house library…