Honda HR-V

At first glance the new Honda HR-V could be mistaken for being rather dull. It didn’t help that my test car arrived in Abigail’s Party beige (Honda bravely calls it…

Union flag bunting put up to celebrate the Coronation

The Coronation of HM The King will be marked in manner of ways but few are as enjoyable or inclusive as a street party. This very British tradition is thought…

Sporting Diana Bo Wilson flies over a hedge at Winwick in Pytchley country

I was fortunate to have grown up on a beautiful arable farm in the north-west of England. As the youngest of three daughters, I was encouraged, along with my sisters,…


The current decline in Scotland’s capercaillie, the woodland grouse, presents a real risk that the bird will soon be driven into extinction. Cautious estimates suggest that we could lose the…

The Hampshire Hunt: 1749-2022 by Adrian Dangar Making a foray into unfamiliar hunt country is always diverting, especially when High Leicestershire is home. What better reason for broadening the horizons…

nissan juke hybrid tekna+

I had a soft spot for the original Nissan Juke. It seemed halfway between ‘funky’ and ‘barking mad’, with its unconventional styling and weird little touches; check out those dinner…