There was a time (and you may find this hard to believe, kids) when the SUV didn’t exist. It was estate cars that did all the hard work back then.…
Country House
How To Spruce Up A Barbour Waxed Jacket
Question I am a loyal reader of The Field magazine but live in Canada would appreciate some help in finding a company to clean and repair my Barbour waxed jacket.…
Sporting artist: David Williams-Ellis
Britain is fishy. The UK is about 94,000 square miles in area but has a coastline of around 10,000 miles (depending how you measure it). Nowhere is more than 70…
Sporting Diana: Rebecca Wilson
Hunting began rather by chance for my twin sister and me. Hailing from Yorkshire but with some of the more renowned hunts, such as the Middleton or the Bedale, mostly…
The Field’s guide to the picnic season
Outdoor eating hits its zenith during the English summer season (or picnic season) when, en fête, we dine en plein air. At great houses, on riverbanks and at the races…
Best Ear Defenders For Shooting
The Field is packed with must-read guides to sporting kit. Be sure to take a look at our guide to the best gumboots, best shooting coats, best shooting socks and…
Must-Buy Game Fair Kit
Kit to covert at July’s Game Fair RANNOCK HSP SHOOTING WAISTCOAT HARKILA A shooting waistcoat that looks good and does the job. Harkila’s example will be available on stand with…
The Peacock at Rowsley hotel review
As one gratefully breaks away from the M1 and sets sail west past Chesterfield’s crooked spire, it is when the hedges give way to stone walls that the transition to…
Norman Thelwell – one of the great cartoonists
Their ponies were cheerful little shitlands. The children – mainly girls – grew up to manage careers and families and anything else that needed sorting out. The adults ran around…
Sporting Diana: Captain Amy Cooper
At two years old I remember being sat on a little grey pony named Smokey. It was a far cry from the King’s Troop. I haven’t wanted to get off…