Nick Orr

The work of Nick Orr encourages us to see familiar scenes in an entirely new way – a whole day’s shooting in a single feather for example, as Janet Menzies…

Julia Mitchell

From cultivating land throughout hot, Italian summers as a child to chasing adventures across the globe, Julia Mitchell has learnt that nothing is more important to sporting life than companionship.…

How to replace a heavy duty zip.

Never resign a favourite shooting coat to the bin, even if its zip has broken. Though they are rather fiddly, they are simple enough to fix. Learn how to replace…

Free range hens

Free range hens ensure rich, golden yolks for breakfast – and they also help wild birds, bees and the environment, says Tim Field. For more on farming, learn about the…

Prune a fruit tree

Is your fruit tree looking a little worse for wear? Learn how to prune a fruit tree without calling the experts in. Though it often appears a daunting task for…

Great equestrian artists

The great equestrian artists have aimed to capture the colour, glamour and excitement of their world since the very beginning. It may be considered bottom of the hierarchy, but equestrian…