Charlotte Mackaness

A casserole filled with a delicious guineafowl stew

Without doubt, casseroles are essential kit for any country kitchen, not simply for cooking up tasty game stews but for a wide array of delicious dishes. According to Field food…

Three well-dressed guns on the moor

Field readers are famous for holding the line when it comes to being properly attired. After all, it shows respect not only to one’s host but also to the quarry.…

A tweed travel bag is essential sporting kit

In the nights are drawing in and the warmth of summer is most likely a long-off memory. However, there is much to cheer: the sporting season in full swing. Here…

All in a line: three guns wearing shooting socks

Shooting socks are an essential piece of field kit. For those keen to put their best foot forward, The Field knows exactly where to look. “To paraphrase Jane Austen, ‘It…

Having the right kit is vital to a successful day’s sport. Feeling comfortable is key – not just in terms of movement and temperature but looking the part. Before you…

Many say the best caps for shooting are made from tweed, like this one viewed from behind

The Field is packed with useful guides to essential sporting kit. Be sure to check out our round-ups of the best cartridge bags, best shooting coats, best shooting gilets and…