Winter calls for dishes that will trample your taste buds and leave you feeling zinged up. Try Mike Robinson's chilli pigeon noodles with ginger for some spicey game


Chilli pigeon noodles with ginger is the perfect winter dish, as there is nothing like a bit of spice to warm you up. The bird’s eye chillies are readily available in all supermarkets and while they won’t blow your head off, they are still quite vicious so beware. Pigeon is a great gamebird for spicy cooking, and one of Mike Robinson’s favourite March meats.

As the season comes to an end and the frozen game starts to run low, don’t despair. Now is the best time for pigeons. For more pigeon recipe inspiration, try The Field’s pigeon pate, perfect with a bread and wine lunch or a picnic. Or for a light main course, have a go at our pigeon and blue cheese salad with russet dressing.


Serves 2

  • 4 skinless pigeon (or duck) breasts
  • 2 bird’s eye chillies (to your taste, available in every supermarket)
  • Vegetable oil
  • 200g (7oz) pre-cooked rice noodles
  • 100g (31⁄2oz) fresh ginger
  • 2 baby pak choi
  • Small bunch fresh coriander
  • 1 tbsp sesame oil
  • Juice of 2 limes
  • 1 tbsp maple syrup
  • Salt and pepper

To make chilli pigeon noodles with ginger, slice the pigeon into thin strips and marinade with a pinch of very finely chopped chilli and a little vegetable oil.

Pour boiling water over the noodles and leave them to heat up. Finely slice the ginger and the pak choi. Chop the coriander, using both the stalks and leaves, and the rest of the chilli.

Preheat a wok or non-stick pan, add sesame and vegetable oils and throw in the pigeon. Stir vigorously for a minute, then remove.

Combine the ginger, chilli and pak choi, stir for a moment and then add the drained noodles with the coriander.

Squeeze in the limes and, at the last minute, spoon in the maple syrup. Return the pigeon and mix well. Season and serve the chilli pigeon noodles with ginger.