There is nothing better than a succulent sausage. And what tastier way to use up the season's bounty than by making your own pheasant sausages?

The spoils of the season are not just for winter suppers. If your freezer is still well-stocked with game, it will make excellent BBQ fare. And you can’t go far…

Rachel Carrie

Rachel Carrie discovered her love of fieldsports initially through a challenge: to hit every target with a Webley air pistol first go. Having triumphed, she has since shot clays competitively…

Royal dukes

While many royal dukedoms were available for Princes William and Harry, few were deemed appropiate. Sarah Pratley investigates the disgraced royal dukes that continue to be a historical hazard. For…

Gundog grooming

If your working dog has never seen a brush, it is far from alone. But regular gundog grooming will help prevent problems whatever the breed, says David Tomlinson, and they…

Asparagus tempura with feta, mint and chilli dip

The British asparagus season is short and sweet at just six weeks, so put those fresh spears to the best possible use. Philippa Davis’ asparagus tempura with feta, mint and…