Pheasants and partridges test Duff Hart-Davis at Brimpsfield Park in the Cotswolds
Stew recipes
Beat the winter blues with rich, robust stews.
Grouse shooting
End-of-season grouse provide superlative sport at an affordable price if you can bag a day and shoot straight. Adrian Dangar is blown away by the drama of a gusty day…
Nuts and holts of pannage
Though we've taken to eating imported cashews, almonds, pecans and peanuts, British men and beasts should cherish our native kernel cache.
Claire Lomas equestrian diary
The Claire Lomas Walk Campaign and Saddle Up for Spinal Research have teamed up to produce an A5 week-to-view equestrian diary to raise funds.
Grayling, the Gallic grail
Charles Rangeley-Wilson's passion for poisson is tested by the "impossible" grayling, the only fish in abundance in French rivers with good reason.
Risk assessments for your shoot
As highlighted in The Field's Comment (November issue), risk assessments are now a vital part of any shoot, and it is incumbent upon us all to make what we do…
Red deer stalking in the Highlands
The deer stalking in Fasnakyle at the east end of Glen Affric has changed little and is as exciting as ever, with every nerve on fire in man and beast.
Deer stalking, salmon fishing – be a Laird for the week
The essentially Victorian sporting week of whisky, fireside conversation, a first salmon and a long stalk on the hill still thrives today along with the chance to have a…
From lough to loch and father to offspring
When Charles Rangeley-Wilson was a boy, he spent his summers fishing the far-flung loughs of Co Kerry for trout. Sneakily, via their stomachs, hes passed his love of lake-angling to…