From 16th century homes to magnificent manors these properties all have something in common: beautiful walled gardens BEST PROPERTIES WITH WALLED GARDENS GLEBE HOUSE PYRFORD, WOKING, SURREY This is a…
Kit To Covert In October
In the nights are drawing in and the warmth of summer is most likely a long-off memory. However, there is much to cheer: the sporting season in full swing. Here…
Browning B725 review
This month’s test gun is a Browning B725 over-and-under weighing in at 7lb 6oz. It’s a new, limited edition model called the Medallion Silver, available in both field and clay…
Tea and its origins
The English are not the world’s greatest tea drinkers. This came as something of a surprise to me, having grown up in a house where tea was mainlined from morning…
Sashes (and how to correctly wear them)
When it comes to dressing for a special occasion, few things are more princely, impressive – or mystifying — than sashes. Whether worn at a Royal (or Disney) wedding, a…
The top 10 best pheasant recipes
The Field's top 10 best pheasant recipes will ensure your brace never bores on the plate
The folly of follies
What is a folly? At times it seems as though there are as many definitions as there are follies themselves. The Oxford English Dictionary describes it as: ‘A costly ornamental…
Raspberry, almond and oat crumble cake
This moist, flavourful cake will keep well for a couple of days if kept in a container stored in a cool, dark place. I use Scottish crowdie, which is a…
The tenacious teckel
Are you interested in working dogs? If so, be sure to check out similar features from The Field including our round-up of the best dog travel accessories, best presents for dogs, …
How rare are white pheasants?
Question Out walking recently I came across three white pheasants, one loitering in a field by the church with a traditional cock pheasant and then, further on, two more scratching…