Those who succeeded explain what completing The Field Macnab Challenge 2021 means to them
Fly-fishing in Patagonia: a Chilean adventure
Magnificent wild fish, pristine rivers and a truly remote region draws fly-fishers from all over the world to Chilean Patagonia. Adrian Dangar embarks on an adventure fly-fishing in Patagonia. For…
Sea-trout fishing: becoming obsessed with the dark arts
The setting for sea-trout fishing is cold, dark and lonely. And yet you will be hooked even before the fish is, promises Ian Coghill. For further ponderings on the joy…
Essential Mayfly kit: demystifying Duffer’s Fortnight
Duffer’s Fortnight is apparently the magical times that even a duffer can catch monster trout. But having the right Mayfly kit certainly helps. So take Charles Rangeley-Wilson’s Mayfly MOT to…
How to catch big trout: monster munchers
The mayfly season is as fickle as the fish it frenzies, so follow Charles Rangeley-Wilson’s advice on how to catch big trout. Above all, forbearance is key – and don’t…
The decline of Atlantic salmon: letting our oldest vertebrate back in
In an extract from his book, Silver Shoals: Five Fish That Made Britain, Charles Rangeley-Wilson considers what has caused the decline of Atlantic salmon, and whether our oldest native vertebrate…
Best fishing books to hook
It is tricky to choose the best fishing books. There are the classics that are no longer considered essential fare, while others remain in constant demand. Keith Elliot selects the…
A Twitch Upon the Thread: Writers on Fishing
In this edited extract from A Twitch Upon the Thead: Writers on Fishing, introduced and edited on Jon Day, writers from Charles Dickens to Virginia Woolf ponder the great pasttime…
River Wye: the Wye and the wherefores
The world-wide reputation of the River Wye for enormous salmon has attracted a fascinating cast of characters over the years. Marsha O’Mahony tells a few of their stories. For more…
Salmon fishing in Russia: Russia for beginners
There’s much to consider before embarking on salmon fishing in Russia. Decide whether you want lots of fish or big fish, says Charlie White, and then turn to those passionate…