Horn handled walking sticks are made for the field - not to be left behind in the stand for fear of damage. Follow The Field's low maintenance advice for keeping it in tip top condition

If you have been fortunate enough to inherit a horn handled walking stick, there’s no need to leave it at home for fear of damage. Horn handled walking sticks are very simple and easy to care for. So follow The Field’s tips and tricks for keeping your inherited stick in tip top condition. Remember – if it accompanied your grandfather in the field, it can accompany you too.

Walking sticks are essential kit in the field. But while a horn handle is undoubtedly exquisite, sometimes simple reins supreme. For Sir Max Hastings, the humble thumbstick is his one, indispensable bit of kit. Find out why in my favourite bit of kit: Max Hastings chooses his thumbstick. And now is the time to get your kit in tip top condition in time for the season. If you are after bucks rather than bangs, a cap is essential. If yours is looking rather worse for wear after a bump too many, read how to recover a riding hat.


I have been given a horn handled walking stick as a gift (it originally belonged to my grandfather). He really looked after it and I would like to use it while keeping it in the same good condition. The horn is beginning to look rather dull. Can you help?

WM, by email

Horn handled walking sticks should not be left in strong sunlight and especially not in a car on a hot day. Also, they should not be stored next to a hot radiator. This is because heat has been used to form the handle and while heat from the sun or radiator would not significantly alter the handle’s shape at this stage, there is a chance that it would be altered slightly. Horn handles require only an occasional polish with brass cleaner to bring back the lustre.