Turning a dog from an unruly pup to the perfect peg dog requires much time and patience. There may be tears, strops and tantrums (both human and canine). But there…
The Field’s favourite spaniels
Spaniels are one of the UK’s most popular breeds as family pets and the shooting field would be incomplete without them. Notoriously nutty, this selection of spaniels owned by our…
The decline of the small vet
With the big, corporate bodies moving in, small veterinary practices are being swallowed up into corporate chains. No longer will we be taking our dogs to a vet that we…
All round gundogs: restrain yourself for success
Do you practise with your all-rounder all summer but find yourself with a tearaway during the season? If so, says Janet Menzies, you've probably exposed your dog to too much…
Be pack leader in your own home
More than one gundog is a pack, it is essential that you keep the upper hand with labradors, spaniels, and everything else
Gundogs: what you should know before you start
Janet Menzies ponders all of the things she wishes she'd known before setting out to train gun dogs.
Brittany spaniel: rivalling the Continental HPRs
The Brittany spaniel may look like our spaniels but in actual fact it is a true HPR. Numbers remain low in the UK but David Tomlinson finds that, with a…
The Champion Stake: a stirring sight
The Champion Stake is the glorious exception to the rule that field trials are a poor spectator sport. If you cannot see pointers and setters working on a grouse moor,…
The Field’s favourite labradors
The Field’s favourite labradors brings together pictures of our readers’ labradors to show why they are the most popular breed in the world. Our readers’ labradors come in every colour,…
Lurcher: the ultimate countryman’s dog
A lurcher is a difficult companion to better for country people. Healthy, quick, kind and highly intelligent, if you take the time to train them they will make as good…