Does introducing a puppy to your one-canine household put the older dog’s nose out of joint? David Tomlinson advises on how to introduce a puppy
Ensuring a new recruit is welcomed by long-standing residents can be a tricky business. So how do you go about introducing a puppy to an older dog? (Read: When to buy a gundog puppy.)
How to introduce a puppy
It was a question from a Field reader that has inspired this query.
“Recent family discussions have centred around getting a new puppy; we already have a 12-year-old labrador. This poses a question, following a comment made by a family friend. If we bring a puppy into the home, will the old dog feel she is being replaced? Our friend said they sense you have brought home a replacement. We certainly don’t want her to feel like that. We had never thought about it before but now the question has been raised, it has made us stop and think. Does the resident see the younger model entering the family home and feel their days are numbered?”
Since her mother died at the age of 15, two years ago, Rowan our 12-year old resident springer has been top dog.
A succession of friends’ dogs stay with us during the year. As I write this there’s an elderly cavalier in temporary residence, the presence of which is totally ignored by Rowan. She does, in fact, ignore most of our canine visitors, with the notable exception of her two litter brothers, both of whom stay frequently. She tolerates visitors using her bed, usually because she is sleeping in theirs, and the only hard rule is that she won’t share her dinner bowl with anyone.
I asked various friends as to the best technique for introducing a puppy to an old dog.
Hiding the puppy in the garden
One idea I rather liked was hiding the puppy in the garden and letting the old dog discover it. The idea is that the old dog somehow feels responsible for the new puppy and tolerates it accordingly. It is an idea with an appealing charm.

You could ‘hide’ the new puppy in the garden and let the older dog ‘discover’ it
The direct approach
In our case we opted for a rather more direct approach. Rowan was taken with us when we went to collect Emma the new puppy, and the two spaniels had an hour’s journey in the car together on the way home. In fact, they didn’t actually travel together but the old dog would certainly have been aware of the puppy in the car. They had a more formal introduction in our kitchen, with Rowan giving us a look that assured us she was appalled that this small bundle of mischief was moving in.
For the next two or three days Rowan remained aloof, curling her lip if the puppy came too close, which of course she did. Then, quite suddenly and unexpectedly, Rowan accepted the newcomer, permitted her ears to be pulled and was quite happy to indulge in long and noisy rough-and-tumbles. Emma was clearly accepted as a member of the pack. Even more surprisingly, Rowan appeared protective of her new companion when they encountered other dogs on their first walks together.

Always make sure the puppy has its own feeding bowl
Perhaps we were lucky but there’s no doubt now that the two are firm friends, with Emma happy to climb into bed with her godmother. Only the dinner bowl rule remains: it is Rowan’s private property and never to be shared. They will, however, cheerfully lick a plate together if it is held for them.
Jealous disposition
Rowan has never been a jealous dog, which might explain why she has been happy to befriend Emma. If you know that your older dog is of a jealous disposition, then introducing a new puppy is likely to be a far harder and more stressful experience. Most adult dogs are mentally programmed never to hurt a puppy, mouthing them with their teeth but never actually biting. A jealous dog, on the other hand, might inflict serious damage on a puppy, something to be aware of. Meetings must be carefully chaperoned.

A crate represents sanctuary for a puppy
The sanctuary of crates
One modern essential when introducing a new puppy is a cage or crate to house it in. This is the puppy’s sanctuary, somewhere it feels 100% safe. Should the puppy pester the older dog persistently, then it can be shut away until it calms down. Similarly, the puppy can be fed in the cage without the risk of the older dog stealing its supper.
Living in the moment
Lastly, dogs live for the present and don’t look into the future. I’m confident that Rowan doesn’t think that Emma is her replacement. If she did, then perhaps she wouldn’t have been so welcoming. (Read: When should an older dog retire?
This article has been updated since originally published.