Celebrating every type of breed, whether the sporting field is their domain or not, The Field Top Dog Awards is a salute to Britain’s best canine companions. In association with Skinner's and Agria.

Loyally nestled at our feet as the wind howls in the field, lounging on the sofa at home like a lethargic teenager or causing havoc that can only be laughed about with a dose of hindsight, our world revolves around our four-legged friends. “They make every sporting success sweeter, every disappointment in the field better to bear and are the source of endless cathartic conversations. In short, life without our dogs is a pretty dull deal,” surmises The Field’s Editor, Alexandra Henton. It is right then that our canine companions take their turn in the spotlight with the launch of the 2025 Top Dog Awards, held in association with Skinner’s and Agria. From precocious puppies and tenacious terriers to heroic ex-service dogs, no type or breed is excluded. There are 10 categories in total, which will be judged by both our panel of experts and a public vote.

Tales abound about our dogs that are rarely dislodged from our memory, each making up part of our own delicate tapestries. For our Editor there was her father’s labrador Tessa (“the offspring of a tryst in Hyde Park between the Egyptian ambassador’s prize-winning bitch and the caretaker in my father’s building’s exuberant dog”) who turned out to be the blueprint for all the gundogs that followed her. “They had large paws to fill,” Henton reminisces, now with her new black labrador Vesper by her side who is starting to learn the ropes. But even if yours is a little wayward in the training department, we still want to hear from you: dazzlingly dutiful or deliciously naughty, cocker or Clumber, all need apply.

The Top Dog Awards categories

Best Retrieve (spaniel, labrador or pointer)

A retrieve considered perfect or outstanding given particularly challenging or unusual conditions.

Best Retrieve (all other breeds)

A perfect retrieve or one considered outstanding in challenging or unusual conditions completed by breeds other than spaniels, labradors or pointers.

Most Promising Newcomer

An example of exemplary work from a gundog breed in its first season working.

Best Family Dog

A dog of any breed that has proved itself the ultimate all-round, child-friendly family pet.

Best Rehomed Dog

A dog of any breed that has thrived after being rehomed. Please state the rehoming charity or rescue the dog came from.

Best Puppy Photograph

An image featuring any dog breed that best encapsulates the appeal and cheekiness of puppies.

Best Working Dog Photograph

A picture that captures a working dog doing its job brilliantly and loving life.

Naughtiest Dog

A dog of any breed with a nose for trouble and misadventure.

Ex-Service Dog Award

An Armed Forces, Border Force, police or fire and rescue service dog of any breed that has performed its duties in exemplary fashion and is now enjoying a well-deserved retirement.

Best Assistance Dog

A dog, of any breed, whose owner’s life is enhanced by the assistance it provides. Please supply details of the charity that trained the dog.

dog food

Prizes from Skinner’s

The prizes

As well as being featured in the magazine, the winners of each category will receive 15kg of any dog food in Skinner’s range, a box of 12 energy bars and six packs of Skinner’s wet food with the option of chicken, lamb, salmon or a mix of all three. Plus a showstopper hamper from Agria, packed with treats for your superstar dog.*

dog present pack

A hamper from Agria, packed with treats

To enter or nominate

Entries can be made on behalf of your own dog or you may nominate another dog in any of the categories. Contact details for the nominee will be required.

  1. Send in a short account explaining why the dog deserves to win the category.
  2. All entries must be accompanied by a photograph of the dog.
  3. Entries close on 1 May 2025.
  4. Enter your Top Dog Awards nominations here. 

The judging panel

Ben Skinner

Ben Skinner

In 2021 Ben Skinner joined his family pet food business, which dates back to the 1600s, putting a focus on the dry and wet food that can help our canines thrive. “Dogs have a unique way of understanding human interactions and an abundance of empathy. They are non-judgemental, always present and have our best interests at heart,” he says. “What constitutes ‘best’ varies from individual to individual. However, one unifying characteristic would most certainly be loyalty.”


David Tomlinson

David Tomlinson

As The Field’s Sporting Dog columnist David Tomlinson covers everything from grooming to breed standards each month in our pages. “All dogs should be celebrated but it’s rewarding to appreciate those that are particularly talented,” he says. “The best dogs are those that want to please. This is a natural trait some dogs have, regardless of their breeding. After 40 years of English springer spaniels, I now have Emma, a sprocker. The best of both worlds? Difficult question but she’s 100% spaniel, and undoubtedly the easiest spaniel I’ve ever owned.”

Vicki Wentworth

Vicki Wentworth

For Agria Pet Insurance’s managing director Vicki Wentworth, who has her own two German shorthaired pointers, understanding the value we put on our dogs is central to what she does. “They add immeasurably to our lives whether they are competition dogs or companion pets, which is why I’m delighted to be a judge for these awards. Dogs add such a huge amount of positivity to a household – every walk is as good as the one they had yesterday, even if it’s exactly the same.”

Enter the Top Dog Awards 2025 here

By entering the Top Dog Awards 2025 you consent that all material sent to The Field can be published in the magazine or online. Visit Top Dog Awards to fill in the nomination form. The winning entries for Naughtiest Dog, Best Working Dog Photograph, Best Assistance Dog, Best Puppy Photograph and the Ex-Service Dog Award will be decided by public vote.

Terms and conditions: Nominees must be UK residents. Promoter of the Top Dog Awards (Awards): Future Publishing Ltd (FUTURE), which has its registered offices located at Quay House, The Ambury, Bath BA1 1UA and is a company registered in England and Wales under company number 02008885. Eligibility excludes employees (including their families, including any live-in partner), any of the category sponsors, FUTURE’s printers and agents, and anyone materially connected to the administration of the Awards. You must be over 18 to submit a nomination unless you have permission from a parent/guardian and can evidence this on request. All nominations will become the property of FUTURE. FUTURE accepts no responsibility for nominations unsuccessfully submitted. These terms and conditions shall be governed by the laws of England and Wales, and any dispute shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts. Entries close on 1 May 2025. For full terms and conditions, visit: thefield.co.uk/gundogs/dog-awards. By taking part in the Awards you agree to the collection of personal data in accordance with Future’s privacy policy here.