Musket - the 1793 India Pattern musket

The Brown Bess musket was as essential a part of the victory at Waterloo as the Scots Greys and their famous charge. In celebration of the victory in Belgium 200 years ago we have spoken to the present Duke about his ancestor,  The Duke of Wellington and Waterloo. We have…

The 1st Duke of Wellington

The Duke of Wellington speaks to The Field, on the anniversary to mark 200 years since the Battle of Waterloo, about his ancestor and the pivotal battle. For victory recipes and military features see our Waterloo page. DUKE OF WELLINGTON AND WATERLOO The first Duke of Wellington is supposed to…

Strawberries poached in Napoleon brandy

Strawberries poached in Napoleon brandy are indulgent without being cloying. A fresh and slightly exotic take on our standard summer time fruit. For something rather more time consuming try Andrew Pern’s Elderflower Jelly with Strawberries, Lemon Balm Custard and Sponge Fingers. Or of course eat straight from the bowl unadulterated.…

Warm black pudding salad

Warm black pudding salad is the perfect meat lovers salamagundi. Cheese and greens? Check. But is there something meaty to add a bit of pep? For those of a carnivorous bent it doesn’t quite get the green light without that little extra. And warm black pudding salad is the perfect…

Scots Greys at the Battle of Waterloo

The Scots Greys and Waterloo stand firmly together in the memory. The paintings, the Ensign, the Greys; some consider their carge the turning point of the Battle of Waterloo. They remain one of the best known aspects of the famous battle. As we commemorate 200 years since the famous showdown…

Waterloo recipe. Braised Belgian endive

Waterloo recipes, or at least those with a nod to the Duke and Napoleon are at the heart of food that can be eaten this June. Trumpet victory with delicious Belgian endive. Or embark on the last of the season’s best of British asparagus. WATERLOO RECIPE: BRAISED BELGAIN ENDIVE WITH…